DEI Book Club


DEI Book Club in at SummerCon in Philadelphia - "Think Again" by Adam Grant

  • 1.  DEI Book Club in at SummerCon in Philadelphia - "Think Again" by Adam Grant

    Posted Jul 26, 2022 08:43 AM

    Be sure to join us for a LIVE book club session at SummerCon, on August 17, 2:30 PM ET. Please let us know if you are planning to attend! 

    We will be discussing Think Again by Adam Grant, which focuses on building your emotional and intellectual muscles to enable you to unlearn your biases and develop an intellectual curiosity about the world around you.

    Let's get the discussion started right now: 

    1. What's an assumption that you've been rethinking lately?

    2. Are you most likely to slip into preacher, prosecutor, or politician mode? What steps can you take to think more like a scientist?

    3. How much rethinking is too much? When should you trust your intuition vs. test your intuition?

    4. How do you avoid getting stuck on Mount Stupid? If you were making an "ignorance list" of things you don't know, what would be on it?

    5. Have you ever experienced the benefits of impostor thoughts? What strategies do you use to question your knowledge while maintaining confidence in yourself?

    6. What forecasts about the future are you making, and how can you stay open to rethinking them?

    7. How do you embrace the joy of being wrong?

    8. Who's in your challenge network? How can you make sure your most thoughtful critics are comfortable being honest with you?

    9. What have you learned about fostering task conflict without causing relationship conflict?

    10. If you were rewriting this book, what would you rethink?

    Jennifer Lee