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ACTION by 8/16: Help us create AESP's 2024 Content Calendar!

  • 1.  ACTION by 8/16: Help us create AESP's 2024 Content Calendar!

    Posted Aug 01, 2023 10:20 AM


    Each year, AESP creates an annual Content Calendar with general themes and more detailed focus areas to guide our content throughout the year. These themes help Topic Committees, Program Planning Committees, and AESP staff plan out webinars, magazine articles, conference sessions, and other deliverables for members and the industry, focusing on those issues of most interest to our community. 

    As we begin our planning for 2024, we want to hear from you! What overarching themes are you most interested in hearing about next year?

    Please take 2 minutes to provide us with your top three theme ideas in this survey

    We appreciate your response by Wednesday, August 16.

    Thank you so much!

    Jennifer Lee
    Program Manager